O Level exam results will be released on Monday, 11 January 2021, 2.00pm.
Students will receive their results in classrooms from 2.00pm on 11 January 2021. Only school candidates collecting their results will be allowed entry into the schools.
School candidates who are unwell, on Quarantine Order, Stay-Home Notice or Leave of Absence on the day of the results release, should not return to school to collect their results. Instead, they may view their results online via SEAB websiteΒ from 2.45pm on 11 January 2021. The system will be accessible from 11 to 25 January 2021.
School candidates can also appoint proxies to collect a physical copy of their results on their behalf. Proxies are required to collect the results by Wednesday, 13 January 2021, and produce the relevant documents for the school’s verification.
Private candidates will have their result slips will be mailed to their provided address on 11 January 2021. They can also use their SingPass account to obtain their results online via SEAB website.