About Ingel
Ingel is an expert in tutoring and he has been teaching for over 14 years in JC/IP/IB/Poly for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. He is assisted by his trusty aides Kobe and Truffles. Find Ingel on Google.
Maths Ahead Grade 7 Teacher’s Guide
Maths Ahead Grade 8 Teacher’s Guide
Maths Ahead Grade 9 Teacher’s Guide
– with Marshall Cavendish Education
See more published books below.
- Awarded AI for Industry – Practical Foundations in AI with Python (Intel, Microsoft)
- Only undergraduate to be invited to taught in NUS for Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics.
- First Class Honours Degree in the elite Engineering Science Programme from the National University of Singapore.
- Consistently on Dean’s List every year (only 3 out of 30+ students awarded A for each module)

- Awarded numerous scholarships at California Institute of Technology (NASA) (Caltech, #2 in the World, only Engineering student from NUS selected), Tsinghua University (#1 in China) and Osaka University (#2 in Japan).
- As an undergraduate, contributed to the publishing of a paper: “Development of Visible-Light Active Photocatalyst for Hydrogen Production and Environmental Application”
- Completed NUS Undergraduate Opportunities Research Programme (UROP) in just his first year of college.
TOP 0.5
Junior College
- Top 0.5
- Full A for Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
- Represented JC in the Chemistry Olympiad Competition.
Unlike some who started teaching just because they have done well only for A Level, Ingel’s JC grades for all his 3 subjects Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics in Temasek Junior College (when it was a more competitive JC) has been consistent throughout his JC years. It does not make sense for him to specialise in teaching only 1 subject, if he can cope with 3 or more. He also has never received tuition before, and understands the difficulty in struggling in a subject alone. Click on the links to track his academic progress:
Cohort Percentile | |||
Examinations | Chemistry | Mathematics | Physics |
JC1 Common Test | 99 | ||
JC1 Promos | 99 | ||
JC2 Common Test | 95 | ||
JC2 Mid-Year Exam | 70 | ||
JC2 Prelims | 97 |
Grades are not as representative as percentile. 99
Secondary School
- 7 Distinctions for O Level
Teaching Assistants
Angela is a NUS Chemistry Honors Graduate. She helps in managing the administrative matters of the centre.
Renee is a 11 month old baby and also doubles as the disciplinary master.
Side note: Done these milk poweder nutrient analysis for her and might be useful for some new parents:

Kobe is a 2 years old cockapoo who absolutely loves hoomans. He is currently undergoing training apprenticeship and is the in-house tutor assistant. When he is not lying around and slacking, he is always looking to treat himself to the bags of unsuspecting students. Give him a snack and he’ll do anything to impress you. Kobe can be found on Instagram: @kobe_and_truffles
Truffles is a 3 years old Holland Lop and is Kobe’s elder sister. Also a tutor assistant herself, whenever she is off-duties she will be enjoying her sweet, freshly cut hay. When she is overjoyed for no apparent reasons, you can find her dashing around the house doing binkies. She has a super soft coat of fur that is a delight to pet.

As Featured On
Ingel’s Story
Not all distinctions are achieved equally. Hailing from a less-privileged background meant Ingel never had the opportunity to have tuition throughout his academic life and has to derive the best efficient studying system by himself. He now imparts his learning system to his students where students learn how science works and are intertwined through First-Principle derivations. There are no flashy names or trademarks for his teaching methods. What students will get to learn from him is the purest form of studying. When Ingel teaches, he believes students should be learning in the most efficient manner possible. The way he does it is to impart learning techniques that are simple to remember, and easy to apply. Ingel teaches in the way he would want his children to be taught. Eventually, students should be able to self-study without him. That is Ingel’s badge of pride. You can also be sure that the fees paid will not be used to maintain a fleet of flashy sport cars, only for his pets. If these values are aligned with yours, Ingel will be happy to get in touch with you.
Ingel’s Teaching Approach
Elon Musk, the entrepreneur known for his ventures like SpaceX and Tesla, advocates a counterintuitive approach to problem-solving: he warns against the tendency to over-optimize. Musk’s philosophy is rooted in the idea that engineers, in their zeal to make processes more efficient, often overlook the fundamental question of whether a particular step in the process needs to exist in the first place. Rather than immediately focusing on optimization, he suggests that the initial focus should be on reducing or eliminating unnecessary steps. Only after this should one move on to iterating, optimizing, and eventually automating the remaining, truly essential steps.
This approach has parallels in the educational system, particularly in how science and mathematics subjects are taught. Students often find themselves in a cycle of rote memorization, learning formula after formula without understanding their underlying principles. This method of education can be alluring because it offers a straightforward path to solving complex problems. However, it overlooks the power of simplification and the value of understanding a concept from its foundational elements.
Teachers, perhaps due to curricular constraints or the pressure to achieve test results, often perpetuate this cycle. They may find it easier to teach formulas for problem-solving rather than guiding students through the often more challenging journey of deriving these formulas from first principles. This approach fosters a mindset that if a student fails to solve a problem, it’s their fault for not having memorized the formula. Such a mindset not only discourages critical thinking but also fails to arm students with the analytical tools they’ll need for unique, unscripted problems in the real world.
However, it’s important to note that not all formulas can be simplified or derived quickly in a practical setting. There are indeed certain principles and formulas that are so fundamental to a subject that they warrant memorization. In these cases, rote learning serves a practical purpose.
Hundreds of parents have selected Ingel for their child’s tuition NOT because he offers low rates (they aren’t). Or why so many parents are willing to travel from Boon Lay, Bishan, Woodlands to his primary center at Tampines.
Find out why. He is one of the few tutors that can teach at university-level and post-grad MBA level.

You Deserve Customised Tutoring, Not Mass-Market.
Unlike tutors who teach a whopping large number of students in a mass-market fashion, Ingel prefers a boutique-style of tutoring with small class sizes. Whether it is H2 Chemistry tuition, H2 Math tuition or H2 Physics tuition, this allows relationship built on trust and students are not hesitant to ask questions in class. Contents are integrated and relevant analogies are applied for students to easily appreciate the concepts. In a small class setting, tutors follow the learning pace of the student, not the other way around. It is just not physically possible for tutors to scrutinize the workings for each and every student, especially for Mathematics. The learning for students is maximised when their careless mistakes is being pointed out, or that their methodology for solving questions is not the most efficient one. Furthermore, how can students learn effectively when the sequence of topics taught in centres are not aligned with what are being taught in school? Just ask the numerous ex-students who crossed over from the hustle and bustle of mass-market tuition classes to join Ingel’s lessons. Have they ever requested the tutor to “go back one slide”? Why attend a mass lecture during school hours only to join another after school hours?
In seeking for good food, we follow the chef, not the restaurant. How often do we find a regular restaurant to find that the food standard has dropped due to the departure of the chef? It is no surprise that students often face disappointment when they realised the one teaching them do not have the credentials of the one representing the tuition centre.
It’s for quality control why In-N-Out Burgers will never franchise their restaurants. It’s for the same reason why Ingel is willing to conduct lessons past midnight for his students. If you are looking for mass-produced “burgers” with sleek marketing videos, go for McDonald’s. But understand for yourself why so many students rejected McDonald’s and opt to become In-N-Out fans.
Ingel knows the strengths and weaknesses (and CCAs) of each and every student. He provides regular updates and devise studying strategies with parents. In certain cases, he will not hesitate to discipline the students for their sake (with the blessing of parents).

Tutors Who Excel In All Subjects, Don’t Specialise.
Ingel also doesn’t believe in specialisation – he can express mathematical equivalent equations in mechanical, chemical and electrical terms. He is the only supertutor to integrate lessons from all 3 subjects and show how they are being applied in real-life situations.
Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway answers it all.
What are the models? Well, the first rule is that you’ve got to have multiple models because if you have one or two that you’re using, the nature of human psychology is such that you’ll torture reality so that it fits your models, or at least you’ll think it does.
It’s like the old saying, “To the man with only a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” And of course, that’s the way the chiropractor goes about practicing medicine. But that’s an utterly disastrous way to think and an ideally harmful way to operate in the world. So you’ve got to have multiple models.
Why settle to learn Chemistry only if you can learn Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics?
Tutors Who Wants to Help Students Achieve Distinctions Should Succeed Under the Baptism of Fire Themselves.
In the Officer Cadet School, instructors are all ranked Lieutenant and above and not sergeants in order to coach trainees who will be graduating to become junior officers. Why would you accept otherwise and allow tutors who they themselves have not achieved distinctions under the same rigorous educational system, yet they claim they can help your child do well? As a matter of fact, Ingel can’t do English Literature and will never attempt to position himself as an expert to teach English Literature. In addition, having graduated with a First Class Honours degree, he doesn’t believe in collecting more academic certificates such as MScs, PhDs (which can be done relatively easy) to further justify his credibility and become even more specialised in one field. Instead, he choose to broaden his breadth knowledge.
Ingel Will Do His Best to Help Every Student.
But he can’t claim more than 90
Shaun: You should definitely go with Dr. Joshua Atkinson at Stanford Medical Center. His mortality index is . . Dr Glassman: It’s too low. Shaun: Not enough of his patients are dying? Dr Glassman: No, Shaun, sometimes patients die. Doesn’t matter how good the doctor is. But when your mortality rate is as low as Atkinson’s, it means you’re turning away patients. – “The Good Doctor” Not all distinctions are achieved equally. Hailing from a less-privileged background meant Ingel never had the opportunity to have tuition throughout his academic life and has to derive the best efficient studying system by himself. He now imparts his learning system to his students where students learn how science works and are intertwined through First-Principle derivations. There are no flashy names or trademarks for his teaching methods. What students will get to learn from him is the purest form of studying. When Ingel teaches, he believes students should be learning in the most efficient manner possible. The way he does it is to impart learning techniques that are simple to remember, and easy to apply. Ingel teaches in the way he would want his children to be taught. Eventually, students should be able to self-study without him. That is Ingel’s badge of pride. You can also be sure that the fees paid will not be used to maintain a fleet of flashy sport cars, only for his pets. If these values are aligned with yours, Ingel will be happy to get in touch with you. Ingel teaches students not just to read from the lecture notes, but how to derive the formula from first principles. Questions are no longer linear – so students are expected to adapt their formula based on the context of the questions. And Ingel guides them to do exactly so. This is how Ingel value-adds, otherwise students could might as well watch YouTube videos for self-directing learning. Ingel teaches a diverse group of students with disorders such as ADD, ADHD, ASD, bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, and schizophrenia. This group of students requires extra attention and care to thrive in a learning environment. Ingel may not be an expert in all of these fields, but he has shown patience, understanding, and a willingness to work with each student on an individual basis. Students with ADD and ADHD frequently struggle to stay focused and engaged in class, which can impair their ability to learn. To help these students stay on track, Ingel may employ strategies such as breaking down lessons into smaller segments or providing extra time to complete assignments. Ingel may provide additional support to students with ASD through visual aids and sensory accommodations to help them feel more comfortable and engaged in the learning process. Mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, and schizophrenia can all have a significant impact on a student’s ability to learn and participate in class. Ingel may work with these students to create a safe, supportive environment in which they can learn and grow without fear of being judged or stigmatized. Protecting the confidentiality of students with these disorders is one of the most important aspects of working with them. Ingel has published a number of children books, sold in online bookstores such as Amazon, Taobao, dangdang.com and also available in National Library Board. Read more on BaiduIngel is Self-Taught. So Can You.
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Working With Students Requiring Extra Attention
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