IB Chemistry, Physics, Math Tuition

5/5 - 24 reviews

Looking for IB Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics tuition?

Read about Ingel’s credentials and his teaching style.

Understand how he attempts intertwine students’ interest and real-life applications.

Call  or WhatsApp Ingel at 96726733 now to avoid disappointment!

Abbygail Kosan Tanjong Katong Girls School
Abbygail Kosan, Tanjong Katong Girls’ School

Subjects Offered

Ingel is the only tutor that is able to offer university-level tuition and all 3 subjects Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics for tuition.

Yude and Victoria SAJC
Yude and Victoria, St Andrew’s Junior College

Ingel's rates are already priced lower than what others with similar credentials are charging for.
There are NO registration fees, NO deposits and NO material fees required.
The short answer is: there is simply no need for higher degree. In fact, he started tutoring A Level fresh out of high school. A Level tests topics from a broad curriculum while post-graduate studies conduct research in-depth into a particular field of interest. Having a Ph.D. in Science publishing a thesis "Why Spider-man Can't Exists" from the University of Cambridge does not make one a better tutor. Ingel studies whatever sparks joy in his life. For the record, Ingel is offered a place in Caltech to pursue PhD studies.
Please refer to his methodology and examples. Ingel do not believe in excessive marketing. He is here to teach students how to self-learn, not to sell you with catchy names. Look for substance, not fluff.
More than 65
All lessons are personally taught by Ingel to ensure the conceptual knowledge are correctly delivered.

Group Tuition Rates and Schedule

IB Group Tuition

IB Chemistry

2hr x 4 lessons

IB Group Tuition

IB Mathematics

2hr x 4 lessons

IB Group Tuition

IB Physics

2hr x 4 lessons

Private IB Tuition Rates and Schedule

IB Group Tuition

IB All Subjects

2hr x 4 lessons



Ingel Soong Tuition Room
*Pets (Kobe and Truffles) can be requested to be caged or free-roamed

Block 432 Tampines Street 41, Singapore 520432.
Nearest MRT: Tampines East Station (Downtown Line)


WhatsApp/Telegram: +65 96726733 for immediate response.