💯Fresh Graduate Annual Starting Salary to University Fee Ratio 2021

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As usual, after the A Level results are released, my former students will seek my advice on the course they should apply based on their results.

This year, I have decided to check the Return on Investment (ROI) for several of the courses.

With the help of data consolidated DollarsandSense.sg, I further calculated how long it takes for a fresh graduate to recoup their university course fees.

Bear in mind this guide should only be used as a starting point and does not indicate future earning potential.

You should also consider your interest and whether you can work in the particular industry for a long time.

My university course, the NUS Engineering Science Programme has a ratio of 1.42 , ranked 26th out of 112nd, which is not too bad.

What is not considered here is the future earning potential.

And naturally, fresh graduates undergoing apprenticeship will be expected to draw a lower starting salary.

Graduates from NUS Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land) may rejoice since they potentially earn 2x of what their tuition fees within the first year of work.

It is also interesting to note that 14 courses have a ratio < 1.

Highest annual start salary to university fee ratio: 2.05 from NUS Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land)

Lowest annual start salary to university fee ratio: 0.36 from NUS Medicine

Highest annual start salary: $5,350 from NUS Bachelor of Science with Honours (Yale-NUS)

Lowest annual start salary: $2,800 from NTU Art, Design and Media

Since we are on this subject,

I have a recent story to share.

My tutee told me that his HOD from his JC suggested for all the students to take a particular H2 Art subject rather than H1 Art subject, as the school performance for the preceding years for the H2 Art subject is better.

This will mean taking either Chemistry or Physics as a H1 subject instead.

I was advising him not to, as it will strictly limit his future career options (he had wanted to take non-arts career), even if it means taking a hit to his aggregate score.

Furthermore, past school performances may not indicate future performance.

This HOD had managed to convince many to change from the H1 Art subject to H2 Art subject, including my tutee.

However, when my tutee shared his concerns with the HOD,  he was instead questioned by the authoritative figure: “do you believe in your tutor or me?”

I was appalled.

It shouldn’t have been a contest of ego, but as educator we should provide informed choices for our students.

This is by no mean saying the particular art subject is not practical, it is just less so in importance for many university entrance course requirements.

I studied the art subject and enjoy the subject.

However, if my tutee had an option to take a potentially beneficial subject in the expense of me losing him as a student, then by all means he should go for it since it yields the highest chance for him to be successful in the future.

My personal take is that it is far more advantageous to get into a decent course and subsequently growing industry,

than to have excellent grades and enter a prestigious university but a sunset industry.

My tutee’s parents also engaged me in a discussion to find out what is the most favorable decision to make moving forward.

We decided that H2 Chemistry makes the most sense, also since he is more inclined towards science.

Luckily, my student is not pressured by him and requested to swap back to taking H1.

However, most students were persuaded to take the H2 Art subject by the HOD.

Lo and behold, when the latest A Level results came out,

a higher percentage of students obtained A for the H1 Art subject as compared to H2 Art subject.

Many students had a shock and wanted out.

However, by then it is too late.

You could imagine how grateful my tutee is towards my intervention.

Bottom line – educators should not place the school’s ranking ahead of the students’ career.

Story aside, here’s the ranking you are interested in:

Annual Starting Salary to University Fees Ratio

This is a ranking for based on fresh graduates' annual starting salary to university fees ratio
UniversityCoursesNumber of YearsAnnual CostEstimated Total CostMonthly Gross Median Starting SalaryAnnual Starting Salary to Total Cost Ratio
SITBachelor of Engineering with Honours in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land)3-year 4-month2250038422.05
NUSBachelor of Science with Honours* (Yale-NUS)482003280053501.96
NUSBachelor of Computing (Computer Science)482003280052431.92
NTUAccountancy and Business394002820044051.87
SITBachelor of Engineering with Honours in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Building Services)3-year 4-month2250035001.87
NUSBachelor of Computing (Information Security)482003280050001.83
NUSBachelor of Science (Business Analytics)482003280050001.83
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering)482003280050001.83
NUSBachelor of Business Administration*396002880041501.73
NUSBachelor of Social Sciences382002460035001.71
NUSBachelor of Science (Computational Biology)482003280046501.7
SITBachelor of Engineering with Honours in Information & Communications Technology (Software Engineering)3-year 8-month3000041901.68
NUSBachelor of Computing (Information Systems)482003280045001.65
SITBachelor of Engineering with Honours in Information & Communications Technology (Information Security)3-year 8-month3000041001.64
NUSBachelor of Arts382002460033001.61
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Industrial and Systems Engineering)482003280043801.6
NTUComputer Science482003280043001.57
NUSBachelor of Science (Nursing)389502685035001.56
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)482003280042001.54
NUSBachelor of Science382002460031001.51
NUSBachelor of Science (Data Science and Analytics)482003280041251.51
NTUComputer Engineering482003280041001.5
SITBachelor of Engineering with Honours in Pharmaceutical Engineering3-year 4-month3000036601.46
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering)482003280040001.46
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Engineering Science)482003280040001.46
NTUAerospace Engineering482003280040001.46
NTUInformation Engineering and Media482003280040001.46
NUSBachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy)396002880035001.46
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering)482003280039001.43
NTUChemical and Biomolecular Engineering482003280039001.43
NUSBachelor of Arts with Honours (Yale-NUS)482003280038901.42
NTUElectrical and Electronic Engineering482003280038801.42
NTUInter-Disciplinary Double Major482003280038541.41
NTUMechanical Engineering482003280038501.41
NTUMathematics and Economics482003280038321.4
SUSSBachelor of Social Work43000035001.4
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)482003280038001.39
NTUPublic Policy and Global Affairs482003280038001.39
NTUScience (with Education)482003280038001.39
NTUArts (with Education)482003280037991.39
NUSBachelor of Arts (Architecture)488503540040001.36
NTUMaterials Engineering482003280037001.35
NTUPhysics and Applied Physics482003280037001.35
SITBachelor of Accountancy with Honours3-year 4-month2772031001.34
NTUMathematical Sciences482003280036561.34
NUSBachelor of Science (Real Estate)482003280036301.33
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering)482003280035901.31
SMUInformation Systems (Cum Laude and above)4114504580050001.31
NTUEnvironmental Earth Systems Sciences482003280035501.3
SITBachelor of Hospitality Business with Honours3-year2772030001.3
NUSBachelor of Science (Hons)482003280035281.29
NUSBachelor of Arts (Hons)482003280035001.28
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)482003280035001.28
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering)482003280035001.28
NUSBachelor of Arts (Industrial Design)482003280035001.28
NTUCivil Engineering482003280035001.28
NTUMaritime Studies482003280035001.28
SUSSBachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management*43000031851.27
SUSSBachelor of Science in Finance43000031631.27
NTUEnvironmental Engineering482003280034501.26
NUSBachelor of Business Administration (Hons)496003840040001.25
NUSBachelor of Science (Pharmacy)490503620037001.23
SITBachelor of Science in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation (DigiPen Institute of Technology)3-year 8-month4308044001.23
NTULinguistics and Multilingual Studies482003280033501.23
NTUCommunication Studies482003280033401.22
NTUBiological Sciences482003280033251.22
NTUSports Science and Management482003280033001.21
NUSBachelor of Science (Nursing)489503580036001.21
SUSSBachelor of Early Childhood Education43000030001.2
SMUInformation Systems4114504580045421.19
NUSBachelor of Environmental Studies482003280032501.19
NTUChemistry and Biological Chemistry482003280032451.19
NUSBachelor of Laws4126505060050001.19
SMULaw (Cum Laude and above)4126505060050001.19
SUSSBachelor of Human Resource Management43000029501.18
NUSBachelor of Science (Project and Facilities Management)482003280032001.17
SUSSBachelor of Science in Marketing43000029001.16
SITBachelor of Engineering in Systems Engineering (ElectroMechanical Systems)3-year 8-month4308039751.11
NUSBachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy)496003840035001.09
SUSSBachelor of Accountancy43344030001.08
SITBachelor of Science in Computer Science and Game Design *(DigiPen Institute of Technology)3-year 8-month4308038001.06
SMUBusiness Management (Cum Laude and above)4114504580040001.05
SMUEconomics (Cum Laude and above)4114504580040001.05
NTUArt, Design and Media482003280028001.02
SUTDBachelor of Engineering (Information Systems Technology and Design)4130505220044001.01
SMUBusiness Management4114504580038501.01
SMUAccountancy (Cum Laude and above)4114504580037440.98
NUSBachelor of Music3142004260032750.92
SMUSocial Sciences (Cum Laude and above)4114504580035100.92
SUTDBachelor of Engineering (Engineering Product Development)4130505220040000.92
SUTDBachelor of Engineering (Engineering Systems and Design)4130505220040000.92
SMUSocial Sciences4114504580035000.92
SITBachelor of Arts in Game Design * (DigiPen Institute of Technology)3-year 8-month4307932200.9
SUTDBachelor of Science (Architecture and Sustainable Design)4130505220039000.9
NTUBiomedical Sciences and Chinese Medicine582004100030000.88
SITBachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Art and Animation (DigiPen Institute of Technology)3-year 8-month4308031500.88
NUSBachelor of Dental Surgery42930011720042000.43
NUSBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery52930014650052500.43

Annual Starting Salary Rank

This is a ranking based on fresh graduates' annual starting salary
UniversityCoursesNumber of YearsAnnual CostEstimated Total CostMonthly Gross Median Starting SalaryAnnual Starting Salary to Total Cost Ratio
NUSBachelor of Science with Honours* (Yale-NUS)482003280053501.96
NUSBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery52930014650052500.43
NUSBachelor of Computing (Computer Science)482003280052431.92
NUSBachelor of Computing (Information Security)482003280050001.83
NUSBachelor of Science (Business Analytics)482003280050001.83
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering)482003280050001.83
SMUInformation Systems (Cum Laude and above)4114504580050001.31
NUSBachelor of Laws4126505060050001.19
SMULaw (Cum Laude and above)4126505060050001.19
NUSBachelor of Science (Computational Biology)482003280046501.7
SMUInformation Systems4114504580045421.19
NUSBachelor of Computing (Information Systems)482003280045001.65
NTUAccountancy and Business394002820044051.87
SITBachelor of Science in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation (DigiPen Institute of Technology)3-year 8-month4308044001.23
SUTDBachelor of Engineering (Information Systems Technology and Design)4130505220044001.01
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Industrial and Systems Engineering)482003280043801.6
NTUComputer Science482003280043001.57
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)482003280042001.54
NUSBachelor of Dental Surgery42930011720042000.43
SITBachelor of Engineering with Honours in Information & Communications Technology (Software Engineering)3-year 8-month3000041901.68
NUSBachelor of Business Administration*396002880041501.73
NUSBachelor of Science (Data Science and Analytics)482003280041251.51
SITBachelor of Engineering with Honours in Information & Communications Technology (Information Security)3-year 8-month3000041001.64
NTUComputer Engineering482003280041001.5
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering)482003280040001.46
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Engineering Science)482003280040001.46
NTUAerospace Engineering482003280040001.46
NTUInformation Engineering and Media482003280040001.46
NUSBachelor of Arts (Architecture)488503540040001.36
NUSBachelor of Business Administration (Hons)496003840040001.25
SMUBusiness Management (Cum Laude and above)4114504580040001.05
SMUEconomics (Cum Laude and above)4114504580040001.05
SUTDBachelor of Engineering (Engineering Product Development)4130505220040000.92
SUTDBachelor of Engineering (Engineering Systems and Design)4130505220040000.92
SITBachelor of Engineering in Systems Engineering (ElectroMechanical Systems)3-year 8-month4308039751.11
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering)482003280039001.43
NTUChemical and Biomolecular Engineering482003280039001.43
SUTDBachelor of Science (Architecture and Sustainable Design)4130505220039000.9
NUSBachelor of Arts with Honours (Yale-NUS)482003280038901.42
NTUElectrical and Electronic Engineering482003280038801.42
NTUInter-Disciplinary Double Major482003280038541.41
NTUMechanical Engineering482003280038501.41
SMUBusiness Management4114504580038501.01
SITBachelor of Engineering with Honours in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land)3-year 4-month2250038422.05
NTUMathematics and Economics482003280038321.4
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)482003280038001.39
NTUPublic Policy and Global Affairs482003280038001.39
NTUScience (with Education)482003280038001.39
SITBachelor of Science in Computer Science and Game Design *(DigiPen Institute of Technology)3-year 8-month4308038001.06
NTUArts (with Education)482003280037991.39
SMUAccountancy (Cum Laude and above)4114504580037440.98
NTUMaterials Engineering482003280037001.35
NTUPhysics and Applied Physics482003280037001.35
NUSBachelor of Science (Pharmacy)490503620037001.23
SITBachelor of Engineering with Honours in Pharmaceutical Engineering3-year 4-month3000036601.46
NTUMathematical Sciences482003280036561.34
NUSBachelor of Science (Real Estate)482003280036301.33
NUSBachelor of Science (Nursing)489503580036001.21
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering)482003280035901.31
NTUEnvironmental Earth Systems Sciences482003280035501.3
NUSBachelor of Science (Hons)482003280035281.29
SMUSocial Sciences (Cum Laude and above)4114504580035100.92
SITBachelor of Engineering with Honours in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Building Services)3-year 4-month2250035001.87
NUSBachelor of Social Sciences382002460035001.71
NUSBachelor of Science (Nursing)389502685035001.56
NUSBachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy)396002880035001.46
SUSSBachelor of Social Work43000035001.4
NUSBachelor of Arts (Hons)482003280035001.28
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)482003280035001.28
NUSBachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering)482003280035001.28
NUSBachelor of Arts (Industrial Design)482003280035001.28
NTUCivil Engineering482003280035001.28
NTUMaritime Studies482003280035001.28
NUSBachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy)496003840035001.09
SMUSocial Sciences4114504580035000.92
NTUEnvironmental Engineering482003280034501.26
NTULinguistics and Multilingual Studies482003280033501.23
NTUCommunication Studies482003280033401.22
NTUBiological Sciences482003280033251.22
NUSBachelor of Arts382002460033001.61
NTUSports Science and Management482003280033001.21
NUSBachelor of Music3142004260032750.92
NUSBachelor of Environmental Studies482003280032501.19
NTUChemistry and Biological Chemistry482003280032451.19
SITBachelor of Arts in Game Design * (DigiPen Institute of Technology)3-year 8-month4307932200.9
NUSBachelor of Science (Project and Facilities Management)482003280032001.17
SUSSBachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management*43000031851.27
SUSSBachelor of Science in Finance43000031631.27
SITBachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Art and Animation (DigiPen Institute of Technology)3-year 8-month4308031500.88
NUSBachelor of Science382002460031001.51
SITBachelor of Accountancy with Honours3-year 4-month2772031001.34
SITBachelor of Hospitality Business with Honours3-year2772030001.3
SUSSBachelor of Early Childhood Education43000030001.2
SUSSBachelor of Accountancy43344030001.08
NTUBiomedical Sciences and Chinese Medicine582004100030000.88
SUSSBachelor of Human Resource Management43000029501.18
SUSSBachelor of Science in Marketing43000029001.16
NTUArt, Design and Media482003280028001.02

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